Archive for the 'Scholastic Books' Category

Monsters of the Greek Myths Poster (Scholastic Books, 1980)

Greek Myths 1980

From WesternOutlaw, who writes:

When I was a kid, I loved ordering books from the Scholastic book club. In addition to some exciting books, purchases over a specific amount would result in a free poster. This poster from 1980 is one of my personal favorites that I hung in my bedroom for some time. I was surprised to find it in an old stack of papers in the garage. On the backside is a description of the 10 mythical creatures pictured. What a great poster for a kid interested in Greek Mythology!

In doing a little research on the artist, I discovered the artwork is by Carlos Victor Ochagavia who created the original covers of the Illuminatus paperback books.

Can anyone name the 10 mythical creatures pictured?

All three novels in The Illuminatus! Trilogy came out in 1975. See Ochagavia’s striking covers here.




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