Archive for the 'Tomy Toys' Category

Christmas Morning, 1982: G.I. Joe and Tron

Christmas 1982-1

Christmas 1982-2

Compulsive Collector (see lots more Christmas toy cheer at the link) patrols the living room on his G.I. Joe Laser Defense Patrol Power Cycle. Coleco released a number of Joe trikes and ride-on vehicles starting in 1982, some of which you can see here.

There’s an empty Tron Light Cycle box on the ground to his right. The Light Cycle (orange) is on his left. In the second photo, he’s holding the Tron action figure and the Raiders of the Lost Ark Read-Along record. You can also see The Pac-Man Album (1980), a two-sided picture disc, playing on a Smurfs record player.

As toy and game vintages go, 1982 was extraordinary.

Tomy’s TRON Light Cycles (1982)

Tron Cycle 1982-1

Tron Cycle 1982-2

Tron Cycle 1982-3

Tron Cycle 1982-4

Tron Cycle 1982-5

Tron Cycle 1982-6

Tron Cycle 1982-8

Tron Cycle 1982-7

Tomy’s TRON action figures are here. Jason makes a good case at Contra Dextra Avenue that the second cycle is orange, not red, since Tron rode an orange cycle.

The price tag on the yellow cycle looks like it’s from Best Products.

1979 and 1982 Tomy Catalogs: Mighty Men and Monster Maker, Rascal Robots, Tron, and More

Tomy 1979-1

Tomy 1979-2

Tomy 1979-3

Tomy 1979-4

Tomy 1979-5

Tomy 1982-1

Tomy 1982-2

Tomy 1982-3

Tomy 1982-4

Select pages only. The Mighty Men and Monster Maker commercial is here. Note the creepy painted faces on the Tron figures, making them all look like Michael Myers. Going fully translucent was the lesser of two evils. I wanted that Tomytronic Tron game badly.

Tomy’s Tron Action Figures: Flynn, Sark, Warrior, and Tron (1981/1982)

Tron Flynn 1980

Tron Sark

Tron Warrior

Tron Tomy 1982

Tron Card Back

They glowed in the dark, and so did their discs (and the Warrior’s staff). The discs could be attached to the figures’ backs as well. The line was poorly articulated and sold poorly.

The light cycles were pretty cool. The figures fit inside, and there was a ripcord you inserted into the back of the cycle and yanked. I’ll post them both (yellow and red/orange) separately.

UPDATE (10/21/14): I found another set of carded figures at various price points. See below.

Tron Sark 1982

Tron Sark 1982

Tron Warrior 1982

Tron Tron 1982




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