Archive for the 'Voltron' Category

Target Toy Ads, 1985/1986

Target 1985-1

Target 1985-2

Target 1986

The first two are from 1985, and the last one is from 1986. I talk about Photon here. Some close-ups of the Karate Kid action figures are here.

I never had any of LJN’s Thundercats toys, but they look really good.

(Images via tOkKie-Pokie)

Toys in the Wild: Voltron (1985)

Voltron 1985

I don’t remember much about Voltron, but I know there were two giant Matchbox toys I really wanted in 1984/1985. Damn kids have them both!

One more photo from the same year. Not a bad time to turn eight.

Voltron 1985

(Photos via Kevin Hendricks/Flickr and Thadd/Flickr)

Toy Aisle Zen: Voltron and Transformers (and Robotech Remembered)

Toy Aisle Transformers

Circa 1984, when Voltron and the Transformers first appeared in the States. This shit was expensive, man. I had a couple of Gobots, the poor man’s Transformer, but by ’85 I’d moved on to the much more sophisticated Robotech.

The space opera format and those gnarly Veritech fighters had me at hello, and all the guys had mad crushes on Lisa or Minmei, or both. I vaguely recall Matchbox’s Robotech toy line, but I was moving away from action figures at this point.

I still remember the episode where Ben dies and Max, eyes closed in his darkened cockpit, makes the sign of the cross. Nobody had ever seen anything like that in a cartoon before.

Here’s the clip.

(Image via the NTFA Forums)

(Video via Malrenolds)




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