Archive for the '’80s Decor/Design/Fashion' Category

A Portrait of Young Geeks Playing Dungeons & Dragons, 1984

D&D 1984

Shaving kit bags were often used as dice/accessory bags. A brilliant solution, really. I also “borrowed” a few faux leather coin purses from my mom: no latch, you just squeezed the sides of the thing and it popped open.

One of the guys has a Trapper Keeper, and there’s another one on the shelf. Wish I could see what those books were.

(Photo via schmooksdad)

A Portrait of Young Geeks Playing Dungeons & Dragons, 1987

Dragonlance 1987

Dragonlance campaign, 1987, via Dean Stevens. Fishing poles, cat portraits, wide cans, prescription medication at the ready, a pool table light, and a shirt louder than the wall unit air conditioner. Sounds like the ’80s to me.

UPDATE: Actually, as we’ve been discussing on Facebook, they are likely playing on a covered pool table. There are pool cues on the right wall.

`Cap’n Crunch… It’s Space Invaders’ Promotional T-Shirt, 1982

Crunch Invaders 1982-3

Crunch Invaders 1982

Kid Wearing The Goonies T-Shirt, Circa 1985

Goonies Circa 1986

Our parents, they want the best of stuff for us. But right now they gotta do what’s right for them, ’cause it’s their time… their time—up there. Down here it’s our time. It’s our time down here. That’s all over the second we ride up Troy’s bucket.

(Photo via Bo Nash)

Velcro Wallets, Circa 1980 – 1984











A Portrait of Siblings Mulling Gravitationally Collapsed Spacetime, Circa 1980

Black Holes Circa 1980

Possibly the best photograph I’ve ever seen. Honestly, I’m not sure which shirt I’d rather have.

(Photo via Awkward Family Photos)

Computer ‘Softwear’ T-Shirts, Circa 1982

1980's Geek T-Shirts

Tuck those t-shirts in, nerds. You wouldn’t want to get beat up or anything.

(Photo via SA_Steve)

Christmas Morning, 1982: Assembling Kenner’s AT-AT

Christmas 1982 At-At

Via the Now Playing Podcast. More Christmas AT-ATs here.

Christmas Morning, 1986: Coleco’s Wisecracking Alf Doll

Christmas Alf 1986

The kid is Matt on Fire, and he is also wearing Lazer Tag pajamas, a version of which can be seen below via Kitschy Kitschy Coo.

Lazer Tag Pajamas

Christmas Morning, 1984 and 1985: G.I. Joe Headquarters Command Center and M.A.S.K. Boulder Hill Playset

Christmas G.I. Joe 1986

Christmas Mask 1985

The happy kid is Bo Nash. Competition among toy lines, particularly lines geared to boys, was never fiercer than in the ’80s. Despite the shrinking middle class, parents continued to save up and shell out to make their kids happy. My mom would often put toys and other Christmas gifts on layaway in the middle of the year, or even earlier, so that they would be paid off by Christmas. M.A.S.K. is after my time, and clearly derivative of G.I. Joe: A Real American Hero, but Kenner didn’t disappoint: the toys and package design are excellent.




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