Star Wars Kenner Ads (1978 – 1980)

Star Wars Kenner Ad-3

Star Wars Kenner Ad-4

Star Wars Kenner Ad-1

Star Wars Kenner Ad-2

Who wrote this stuff? Check out the description of R5-D4 in the second to last ad:

One of the incredible number of droids human inginuity devised. R5D4 was a highly sophisticated, semi-sentient, pro-grammable droid capable of independent action & limited decision making capability.

And how about Snaggletooth, who “stands at a deadly 2¾” high!”?

Not that I cared at the time. I just wanted them all.

(Images via Kenyatabks/eBay)

1 Response to “<em>Star Wars</em> Kenner Ads (1978 – 1980)”

  1. 1 Star Wars Kenner Ad (1980) | 2 Warps to Neptune Trackback on May 31, 2013 at 1:49 pm

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