Arcade Cabinets: Gauntlet (Atari, 1985)

gauntlet marquee

gauntlet cp

gauntlet cp-2

gauntlet side art

gauntlet full art

gauntlet cabinet

gauntlet ad

gauntlet ad-2

gauntlet flyer

gauntlet flyer-2

(Image sources: RetroCpu, Arcade Overlays,, Arcade Overlays, Arcade Controls, Emu Paradise, IGN, Victory Pellet, The Arcade Flyer Archive)

2 Responses to “Arcade Cabinets: <em>Gauntlet</em> (Atari, 1985)”

  1. 1 leftylimbo March 24, 2012 at 6:50 am

    LoL! “Wizard is about to die.” “Elf needs food badly.” That game had the most trippy setup for four people to play. I had friends that were totally into it. Once again, as I wasn’t a big D&D fan, I wasn’t that into this game. Sorry Charlie =)

  1. 1 Arcade Zen (1982 – 1984): Frenzy, Omega Race, and Crossbow | 2 Warps to Neptune Trackback on January 26, 2015 at 7:35 pm

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